The pardon of Dr. Fauci says it all! As perpetrator of bioweapon research and psychological warfare, his 50 years of medical fraud and the extermination of millions may never be exposed in a court of law. The diminutive doctor of death promoted lockdowns, ventilators and remdesivir and said, "Wait for the vaxxxine." Meanwhile, alternative opinions saved lives with ivermectin, HCQ, iodine, nebulized H2O2 and NAC, Vitamin C and even nicotine patches which block spike proteins from attaching to ACE 2 receptors. Once the mRNA vaxxx became widely available, deaths really skyrocketed!
Saving Fauci's rotten hide was not even the point! Protecting the other bad actors and a most evil government plot IS!
Whether or not the covid19 "can of worms" has been sealed-shut,... remains to be seen.
"Doubt is the devil!"
Doubt destroys confidence and the ability to act.
Doubt confers weakness on captive minds as it compromises immune systems.
Authoritative pronouncements from the likes of our "Modern Mengeles" and their fake medical "The-Science" have deceived the world by creating false causation and profitable medications for symptomatic effects.
First causes are found in nutrition, toxicity, emotional states and lifestyle choices, not in the lack of some downstream drug as deceptive marketeers would have you believe.
Their main tools are sowing doubt on the competition,...err common sense, inexpensive natural treatments and actually established basic Science,...along with TeeVee doctors, repetitive ads featuring happy pharmaceutical users and small-print admissions of horrible but "rare" side effects.
Real cause-oriented cures have only one "side effect"; healing!
"They know better"
They dismiss natural immunity and tell you you need vaxxxines.
They say steak and butter will give ya a heart attack.
They push testing to look for things just to scare ya.
They disperse disinformation to steal your minds.
They created the darkness of your captivity.
You built their mansions, but never caught-on to the game.
Vitamin C
AKA; ascorbic acid and its ascorbates like sodium ascorbate used in IV applications and in rapidly available oral/liquid megadose-forms is an electron boost to a biological system that runs on electricity. As such, Vitamin C is an antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti biotic, antiviral, antitoxin; antiscorbutic ( "anti-scurvy").
Dosages are purely individual depending on one's level of inflammation/oxidative stress,...the quantity needed to restore a deficit in systemic body voltage.
1 gram/day may be sufficient for the young and healthy, buuut dosages for older adults and chronically afflicted may be in the range of 3-10 GRAMS up to four times a day,...and in acute situations like pneumonia, sepsis or encephalitis; IV infusions of 50-150 GRAMS per session!!!
Megadose Vitamin C was successfully used at Chernobyl and Fukushima, and should be employed in super toxic Los Angeles.
Linus Pauling and Vitamin C were "skunked" over 50 yrs ago. Medical standards still do not permit its use in hospitals, though many independent clinics rely on Vitamin C infusions.
Appropriate doses can prevent/treat gingivitis, arthritis and heart/artery disease, address colds/flu and help remove root-cause heavy metal burdens.
The truth about Vitamin C alone would cost the medical system billions/yr!
Depression, PTSD, Concussive Brain injury and At Least 130,000 Veteran Suicides.
Thanks for your service; Now Die!
Military personnel returning from making a mess of Mesopotamia find themselves depressed, homeless and unable to return to normal life..unlike Post WW2 veterans who found jobs, bought houses, attended college and started families. Though many were horribly injured in both wars, those complaining of "psychological" problems were routinely given SSRI antidepressants. With brains overloaded with serotonin, depressions worsened and stated suicidal side effects began claiming a Vet every hour, 24-7-365 for over 20 the math. I'd call that extreme medical malpractice!
They suffered from mandatory vaccinations, performance enhancing drugs, burn pits, depleted uranium munitions and cumulative concussion due to constant explosions. A million more equally-exposed war veterans should take note.
They were not detoxed, given nutritional supplements or hyperbaric oxygen therapies/HBOT.
Many also needed a return from destructive behaviors to "nurturing activities" like gardening and dog training as well as group recreation and talk therapies.
Is that any way to treat our heroes, so damaged by an elective invasion based on false propaganda?
My many attempts to inform Veteran-Aid groups fell on deaf ears?
Cancers can be defined as "Acidic Hypoxia"; a metabolic disease. So they try to kill 'em with radiation, poison and surgery,... instead of neutralizing acidity ( a low voltage/low energy condition ) by restoring robust circulation and oxygen penetration.
Cancers arise from any number of mitochondrial insults where normal cells' mitochondrial ATP-electron production falters, HIF1 /Hypoxic Induction Factor kicks in causing down-regulation of aerobic e- energy production into low output anaerobic fermentation as a survival strategy,...HIF1 also generates capillary formation to increase blood supply to the tumor, protected by the formation of an acid mantle surrounding it to wall-out oxygen and confer immortality.
Contributing causes are many; Vitamin C deficiency promotes HIF1, toxins/metals/bacterial endotoxins/yeast infections/parasites, radiation, poor circulation, hormone imbalance, sedentary lifestyles, high sugar and high polyunsaturated fat diets of processed foods,... All of which hinder metabolic output and steal electron energy, increase acidity, reduce oxygen delivery and feed fermentative metabolism.
How do I know? I reversed breast cancer in my 6yr old dog, twice! The first time I noticed her breast turn black, I started giving her MMS/sodium chlorite for several days; the breast returned to a healthy pink as the chlorite blasted oxygen into the area and oxidized the acidic mantle.
A few months later the next breast in line turned black. This time I injected a saturated baking soda solution into and around the blackened gland. Within a week it turned pink and the dog lived another healthy 7 years! It worked!
The baking soda idea came from Dr. Tulio Simoncini, an Italian physician who advocated the use of baking soda to treat cancers, he blamed on fungi. Though fungus and yeasts thrive in low oxygen/acidic environs, simply alkalizing the area would allow oxygen and normal aerobic metabolism to return. Since a pH of 7.45 is indicative of .45 volts, raising alkalinity also raises ORP/Oxidation-Reduction Potential; system voltage. ( Bicarbonate, magnesium and potassium are pH buffers in the bloodstream. )
Though breast cancer is common in intact unbred female dogs, there is likely a hormonal cause. Other cancers may be attributed to systemic parasites where anti-parasitics like "forbidden" ivermectin and fenbendazole have proven effective.
I can only conclude that healthy metabolic production, detoxification of metals/organics, high intake of Vitamin C and other electron-donating antioxidants.
sulfur compounds like MSM and NAC which promote Vitamin D and glutathione production speed circulation in general and oppose angiogenesis/capillary formation,...all tend to eliminate susceptibility to cancerous formation.
Though cancers are the apex expression of acidic hypoxia, this cellular suffocation promotes many "lesser" diseases. Another app for HBOT, fasting and time restricted eating.
*** My Shotgun Pantry;
I prefer a comprehensive "shotgun" approach to healing, a "personal protocol" bringing every voltage-raising trick into play,...rather than relying on a "silver-bullet" substance or drug.
Results can be expected in a few days for conditions like depression and a positive healing attitude kick in...Detoxification and restoration of skin, joints and vessels can take weeks or months megadosing Vitamin C and collagen sources.
Along with ABCDEK Vitamins I keep kilos of pure Vitamin C crystals and pounds of Arm&Hammer baking soda on hand.
I have food grade hydrogen peroxide in the freezer, ready to be diluted to 3% for use in a nebulizer and NAC capsules to be dissolved in water for nebulization or to be taken orally.
I have veterinary ivermectin for my dog, and I can use it too, transdermally on belly skin.
Pure oregano oil ( ) to be used for infections and clearing the gut of bad bacteria and yeast buildup.
Magnesium, manganese, multi-purpose Lugol's iodine and of course seasalt for all trace minerals as well as Chlorella, charcoal and clays to chelate heavy metals from the gut.
Proteolytic enzymes clear fibrin scars and spike proteins so I consume pineapple/papaya and nattokinase/lumbrokinase.
I built a sauna from local cedar and raise grassfed beef, keep bee hives, grow dozens of varieties of citrus, berries, grapes, persimmons, chestnuts, pecans, gather wild mushrooms and grow organic vegetables. Hunting and fishing provide the cleanest fats & proteins,... when lucky.
4 Common Denominators;
All the chronic, infectious and communicable diseases are the result of "Low System Voltage!" One should be able to maintain vigorous health if he investigates and addresses a short list of root causes;
1) Nutrition; A varied mix of meats/fish/fowl/eggs/raw dairy,... bone broths and stews,....low(er) glycemic carbs; potatoes/rice/organic wheat/corn grits..all scratch-cooked, plus vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms.
Avoid liquid vegetable/seed oils in favor of saturated animal fats,... avoid high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners/ replace with honey, maple syrup and raw sugar.
2) Toxins; Have a hair metal/mineral analysis and know your body's content of metals in order to focus detoxification efforts and balance mineral levels. These burdens and deficiencies will steal body charge!
Address oral infections, water purity, moldy/chemically polluted air.
3) Lifestyle Habits; Seek sunshine, fresh air, recreation and physical activity. Sedentary living, artificial light, screens and indoor air are negatory.
Rest is also important and deep sleep essential.
4) Emotional States; Fear/anger/anxiety are acidic voltage bandits and cripple normal bio-function. These are the bitter fruits of ego. Learn to recognize defensive, selfish and lazy behaviors.
Once one is aware of ego-related psychological hazards and turns to an attitude of unconditional love, compassion for all life and states of gratitude and happiness,..... his life, immune health, recognition of his spirit-essence and higher consciousness can evolve unhindered.
Preventive Maintenance vs. Catastrophic Breakdown
Isn't it careless not to change oil, check tire pressure or coolant levels in a car? Get stuck a few times and one learns to pay attention to the owner's manual.
Yet we have no conclusive maintenance manual for the preservation of personal health?
Mechanics and doctors make their living off breakdowns, not oil changes or inexpensive preventive measures. What if Ford printed inaccurate maintenance schedules? What if common sense disease prevention was confused and hidden by the healthcare monopoly? Ford couldn't, but our legally protected medical mafia has and continues to wreck the health of Americans!
You do not want to see your car towed-off behind a wrecker,...just like you never want to be hauled off in an ambulance.
Don't be a victim! I can only provide a limited outline for savvy individuals to protect their health. It is up to you to study the nutritional value of foods, begin to understand the invisible nature of bio-electricity and pH and cut through all the Latinesque synonyms that put the confusion in unnecessary medical complexity.
I can't stress this enough; Create your own Health Maintenance Manual! Take charge of your own biological vehicle!
All disease begins with inflammation, synonymous with oxidative theft of e-/ATP electron energy and the degradation of cell function.
Drugs generally attack only symptoms of this tap-root by obstructing downstream enzyme and hormonal influences.
Invisible "germs" are usually opportunistic, proliferating where conditions are favorable and immune defenses conflicted.
Billions Served!
With our huge death tolls from heart disease, cancers, pneumonia, sepsis, laboratory created covid 19 and mRNA vaxxxines, and enormous numbers of Veteran suicides; one might become suspicious of our medical death cult!
Is it a population control reset agenda or sheer greed or both that drive this homicidal mania?
Some doctors may realize the faults of their profession.
Trained by pharma-supported universities into an ultra expensive healthcare system; their hands are tied by hospitals, medical boards and insurers...unless they are bold enough to hang-out their own shingles on their own (uninsured) alternative clinics.
The government admits it censors contrary opinion on vaxxxines and harmful drugs "so as to dampen suspicion and reduce non-compliance with self-serving "standards of practice."
We have been trapped and virtually made dependent on screens and profitable short-cut technologies to the point that one's health and longevity can only be insured by DIY prevention and living "off-tech" through contrarian thought and action.
AI is being touted as a tool to "cure cancer." Oracle's artificial "idiot" Larry Ellison wants to create a genetic test for cancers and an mRNA vaxxxine?
Sorry Larry, cancers are not genetic! Cancers are a metabolic disease!
Note; Please print and forward this post to family members, friends and physicians you may know...and refer them to my substack archive, "Forbidden Healing."
Internet information evaporates quickly so grab these compilations of actionable facts I have distilled over the decades through study of basic sciences, cell function, personal observation, objective studies, successful experimentation and intuitive synthesis.
Self-healing is doable. Search natural cures for any condition and a range of ideas. and Earthclinic are solid resources. Also search alternative/holistic clinics and physician finder for more information, lists of available treatments and proximity should the need arise.
Capt. Randall is an organic farmer, health researcher and author of "Forbidden Healing, The Curiously Simple Solution To Disease" (Paperback available again @ Amazon). Send mail ( Archives on substack.
Ivermectin and fenbendazole kill cancer the same way they do parasites, by depriving them them of sugar metabolism. They should be the first thing that oncologists try instead of the last.
Thank you again Captain. Reminders are essential.